Izmir Ataturk High School

Warning: This is a fictional website prepared as a demonstration of a homework.

Republic Ball

Izmir Ataturk High School has an ongoing tradition of organizing a ball every year on Republic Day.
Senior students put on a waltz show and male students perform a traditional dance called Zeybek.
Many people around Izmir come to attend this event every year.
Here is a picture of one of our previous Republic Ball:


Our Historical Building


Picture Source

LGS Statistics

Last 5 Years' Base Scores and Percentiles
Year Base Score Percentile
2020 460.3406 1.07
2019 476.8871 1.33
2018 414.6920 1.48
2017 490.7868 1.80
2016 485.2911 1.48

School March

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Bize iman veriyor hür vatanın hür sesi

Ebediyen varolsun İzmir Atatürk Lisesi

Nurlu mefkûremize lise hayat veriyor

İlim bizim aşkımız Türklük bizim şanımız

Gideceğimiz yolu gazimiz gösteriyor

Yaşasın Türk milleti yaşasın vatanımız

Bize iman veriyor hür vatanın hür sesi

Ebediyen varolsun İzmir Atatürk Lisesi

Composition : Ahmet Adnan Saygun


Class 52
Teacher 110
Student 1489


Phone : (232) 464 80 61

Fax : (232) 464 80 11

Address : Kultur St. Lozan Square 35220 Alsancak Konak/IZMIR